Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 1, Dive 1 -- Guerilla Bay

This is Guerilla Bay; our first dive site. When we got there it was dark from rain  clouds and the sound was chopped up with rain drops. I could tell that it was bound to rain, I could smell it... and it did. Apart from the bad weather, the dive was actually alright. I saw various marine life such as fish and stingrays. The visibility was low, this was from the swell kicking up the sand. In order to see the bottom we had to dive down at least 4 meters to find nothing. This was unfortunate because it made the cold long dive almost all but nothing. The thing I detest most about diving would be taking off those cursed wet suits....
Although it was pretty funny when Dave didn't tie the 'diving flag' to himself properly and had to swim back and retrieve it...

Was the right gear taken, especially your gear?
Yes the right gear was taken for me, apart from the flippers which got mixed up but that was ok.

What was your input and participation in group activities?
My input to the welfare of camp was on the first night when Marci and myself cleaned up the cookout before we went to sleep since we were the last to head off.

What were you expectations that you had at the start of the trip?
i didnt have high expectations of the trip but fared alright.

What was the skill/s that you acquired during camp?
i learnt how to snorkel. duck dive and became more aware of reading the ocean.

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