Sunday 4 November 2012

Post Surfin' Safari Blog: Questions

(a)   What did you to learn about on the surfing safari excursion besides Surfing? And was it beneficial to you or anyone else?
I learnt that digging a hole on the beach is EXTREMELY difficult. But if you use teamwork and get a good system going, your unstopable. You could also apply this in life.

(b)  Before you went you wrote in your pre trip blog about how you feel when you are in the shallows, in the green water just beyond the breakers and out where you can’t stand up or see the bottom. Who did handle it, when you were out there beyond the breakers? How did you feel and did it match your expectation?
As far as I could tell everyone handled themselves perfectly and it was a very enjoyable time. I felt pretty average, but like I say I do prefer land than the ocean. So yes it met my expectations perfectly.

(c)  Did your prevention strategy mentioned in pre-trip blog #(c) work? If you didn’t have a pre-trip strategy because you feel comfortable in the ocean all the time, then how did you handle Binge Point? And what did you do to make your friends who aren’t as comfortable as you feel better about dealing with that surf on that day?
Well I actually didn't pack any sea sickness remedies because I forgot. But I didn't need them anyway. Happy days! The surf wasn't to extreme so you could naturally stand up if you were tall enough so no dramas there. Their wasn't anyone that felt uncomfortable, as far as I could tell/see.

(d)  Did you feel like you were taking TOO much risk in this surfing activity at any time? Explain in detail.
No. The only  "risk" was falling in thee abnormally large hole that we dug on the beach. When we first started it, it was three small holes. I fell head first in my hole. Not fun. Well it was for everyone else that could see my legs flailing everywhere. Happy days...

(e)  What did you do to limit or control the risk for you or others in that situation in Q.d above?
Ummmmm. Well. I don't think their were any risks. Well maybe the shovel hitting someone, but we had system so the shovel person was always in a position where people weren't. I guess that could be a "risk control" factor.

(f)    What was your highlight of the trip explain why with photos and sentences or video. Your highlight must also include a link to a web page, picture or map.
Moruya Camping ground. The red box indicates the 'Halloween Hole'.
The highlight, as odd as it is, would probably be digging the damn hole! It was good fun.
yeh, it's sideways... the hole was about a metre and half deep.