Monday 15 October 2012

Surfin' Safari: Pre Trip Questions

(a)  What do you expect to learn on your next excursion besides Surfing on the Surfin Safari?
To be honest, I don't expect to learn very much because i believe that I have learned everything that I need to. But I guess I'll have to find out...
(b)  Some people feel more comfortable than others about swimming and surfing in the ocean. Write about how you feel when you are in the shallows; Then how in the deeper water just beyond the breakers and out where you can’t stand up or see the bottom. 
I prefer being on the land so being out on the water isn't exactly my "style". So in saying that; I do prefer being in the shallower areas where my feat can touch the ground, but I don't mind not being able to touch the ground in open waters. I do, however, tend to get sea sick at deeper waters so that is extra incentive to stay more inland.
(c)  If you feel uncomfortable about these thoughts in the previous question, then what can you do between now and the time we leave to make you feel better about those situations that you could find yourself in. If you feel comfortable in the ocean all the time, how can you make your friends on our Surfin Safari next term who aren’t as comfortable as you feel better about it?(you will be asked in the post blog after the excursion to explain if your strategies for making them better worked or not). 
This is a hard question because I do feel comfortable in the water until I get sick. So. In preparation for the trip I might pack some sea sickness remedies. My advice for other people, and possibly myself, would be to remain in areas where you can touch the bottom and to only go out deep if need be.
(d)  How do you know when you are taking TOO much risk on an adventure activity (this is before an incident or accident)? Explain in detail.
I believe that all comes down to knowledge or experience. If at any time that you uncomfortable or unsure of a particular circumstance that you are heading into, that could be an early warning as to the possibilities ahead of an accident.
(e)  In the Surfing excursion next term what are you doing if anything, to limit or control risk for you or others on that excursion?
I am certified First Aid, so I will be keeping an eagle eye on activities.