Monday 18 June 2012

Fishing Trip, Merimbula

This is Merimbula

The first day of this 2 day excursion started off slow; this was because some of the people arrived 45 minutes late. When we finally left at around 0930, I could tell that it was going to be a long and boring trip. Fortunately for me I was wrong. It was good fun listening to music and talking to my friends. We stopped at Cooma for a snack break at McDonalds. As always the food was fatty and disgusting but fulfilling, so it wasn’t so bad after all. Roughly 3 hours later we arrived at Manna Park, where stayed, and dumped off all unnecessary equipment/packs. From there we went into the lovely town of Merimbula and headed to Tathra Wharf. 

Tathra Wharf

The Wharf was beautiful and the sea was putting on spectacular display against the surrounding rock face. We unloaded the gear and were eager to get fishing ( well I was anyway ). The Best part of the trip was when I caught my first ever fish in all my life. Before that on other fishing trips I had never caught a fish, so this was by far the best part of the entire trip. Unfortunately that moment was short lived because for the rest of the camp I did catch another fish. But on a whole the entire trip was excellent... Apart from the beginning of day 2, which I will talk about later on. After the wharf we went back to Manna Park where we then had dinner and slept. The next day we had breakfast and headed down to the fishing charter boat where we would do some deep sea fishing. I was the first to throw up. It was really the first time I had PROPERLY gone out on a boat, so understandably I didn’t have my sea legs. The ironic thing about it is that I threw up more than what I caught fish. After we had all fed the fish we went back into the Sand Bar and hired out tiny’s until lunch. Again no one caught anything. After lunch we headed home. From this experience I found that fishing isn’t just about catching fish; it is being with mates and having a good time doing so.