Sunday 1 April 2012

Day 1,2,3 Old Mogo Town

The local Peacocks were very friendly...
This is the place where we stayed. I had been there before so I knew I was in for a treat. The Theme Park is really well detailed and styled, it really does feel like you've stepped into a time machine. The accommodation itself was small, but this was alright because we mainly spent our time outside exploring the Theme Park and walking trails.

Theme Park Chapel surrounded
by beautiful bushland
The surrounding bushland was very serene. It was relaxing to see the tall, old gum trees towering above us. Walking through on the walking tracks were doubly fun. From the previous rain, it gave a sought of 'mysterious' affect to the bushland. There were also little "rivers" flowing down from the mountain which we had to jump over in order to move ahead. The main thing we had to worry about were the gruesome leeches that enjoyed sucking the blood out of you ankles. Fortunately for me I came off unscathed, but for the others that were walking with me weren't so lucky... 

On the second day we were unable to go snorkeling due to the bad weather. But I took comfort because it was quite a site to admire the scenery.